Complete Metal Protection Projects

Complete Metal Protection Projects

Complete Metal Protection has contributed to many projects throughout Victoria.
Some of the many projects we have been associated with during the past few years are:


Trailer abrasive blasting and coating

Inorganic zinc coated steel facilities Ballarat

Inorganic zinc coated facilities in Ballarat play a crucial role in ensuring that your steel protection needs are met. At Complete Metal Protection, we value and understand the significance of corrosion prevention. Inorganic zinc coatings are made up mostly of metallic zinc dust and a high-performance binder. The result is enhanced steel corrosion resistance and...

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Jubilee Internal Structure 2

Blast and grit Geelong

Geelong is a picturesque coastal city surrounded by the countryside and beautiful blue waters. While there are countless benefits of being near the seaside, an unfortunate downside is the impact of rust and corrosion. Complete Metal Protection’s blast and grit Geelong  service can help find a solution to your troubles. Grit blasting is a process where...

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Vehicle Ramps abrasive balsting and coating

Steel Priming Melbourne

Steel Priming in Melbourne is a crucial step in ensuring that the severe impacts of rust and corrosion will not affect your steel product. Steel that has undergone the process of being painted using a primer made of resin, additives, and solvents is referred to as primed steel. Rust develops through the oxidation of exposed...

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Protective coatings external structural steel Melbourne

At Complete Metal Protection we understand the value of protective coatings for external structural steel in Melbourne. Preserving structural steelwork with the appropriate corrosion protection system will give a steel frame longer life and reduce ongoing expensive maintenance costs. Steel is one of the most used materials for manufacturing buildings however, steel is also prone...

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PCCP and NACE Accreditation

PCCP Accredited Geelong

Here at Complete Metal Protection, we understand the importance of being PCCP accredited in Geelong. Having PCCP accreditation ensures our client’s that they will receive the best kind of service with the utmost confidence in their chosen product partners. The PCCP (Painting Contractors Certification Program) is an accreditation system for coatings industry contractors who seek...

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Industrial coatings

NACE accredited coatings Melbourne

Here at Complete Metal Protection, we understand the value of being NACE accredited in Melbourne. Having NACE accreditation provides our clients, and the wider community, with the reassurance of our dedication to professional and responsible service delivery. We take our NACE accreditation very seriously. And we proudly display the NACE logo. The National Association of...

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Complete Metal Protection

Inorganic zinc coated steel facilities, Melbourne

At Complete Metal Protection we understand the importance of corrosion prevention.  Our inorganic zinc coated steel facilities service Melbourne and will cater to your steel protection needs. Metallic zinc dust and a high-performance binder are the main ingredients used to create inorganic zinc coatings. Advanced corrosion protection for steel and a greater resistance to harsh weather are...

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Metal priming, Melbourne

Metal priming, Melbourne

Melbourne’s beautiful bay side setting has many advantages; seaside living comes with some unwanted side effects. Severe impacts of rust and corrosion are a common effect of the salty air. Complete Metal Protection’s Metal Priming services in Melbourne can help you find a solution to your problems. Primed steel is prepared via the application of...

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Grit blasting Geelong

Grit blasting, Geelong

Geelong enjoys many benefits of being near the seaside, but an unfortunate downside of the salty air is the extreme effects of rust and corrosion. Complete Metal Protection’s Grit Blasting in Geelong can help with a solution to your woes. Exposure to water and the salt air are factors that will reduce the service life...

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Blast and Prime, Ballarat

Blast and Prime, Ballarat

Blast and prime services for Ballarat have provided long lasting metal protection for decades. Traditionally, sandblasting was the ‘go to’ option for abrasive blasting. First patented way back in 1870, the process is still very effective at removing coatings, paint, rust and corrosion from metal surfaces. It is a particularly abrasive method of blasting and...

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